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【團體地點】校本部團體諮商室 (B506)。

【Group counseling schedule】: From 3/20 to 5/15, every Wednesday from 18:30-20:30, 8 times in total.
【Location】: at the Main Campus He Jin Building 5th floor.
【Recruitment】: Tzu Chi University students once who have experience in intimate relationships and interested in relationship exploration and growth, willing to share their own personal experiences within the group. we will recruit 6 people in total.
【Group leaders】: Counseling center intern psychologist Eric Shyu, intern psychologist Pei-yi Chen, and psychologist Tsai-yu Chen.
【Registration link】: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CdVq783rTC7j6gpPPDqrvuTZOMKdtvRtID4oRWCkSJ4/edit


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